Saturday, December 29, 2007
Messy Job
Thursday, December 20, 2007
My New Amp Has Arrived....
Sunday, December 16, 2007
More toys for my prince...
Today, my secret agent offer me something attractive again. A sony High end mono block amplifier D type. Capable of 900 W power (rated at 290W). He also tell me that there are only 4 units left in their warehouse and will not order anymore future high end amp thus i cant get anymore of this kind of high end amp if i dont grab this now. The retail price is RM1,099 and he can get around 50% off for me. :-)

My secret agent also told me that, there is only 1 unit of 12" slim type woofer left and its a great buy for around RM400 only including the box. The woofer can withstand a total power load of 1500 W (rated 380w). Which mean its safe to fully power by the mono block.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
XM-2002GTR x2 ... Coming Soon...
XM-ZR604 - 4 Channel 4x 55w (600W).
Today, I drop by my secret agent's command center.. He told me that the high end Amplifier does have stock, and he wonder if i am interested on it? hell i am if the price is Okay. So he had a quick browse through the price... Darn .. its RM1,099 retail price... and yet its only 2 Channel, which means i need 2 of it to power 2 pairs of my speakers.

To my supprise.. its just RM456 that my secret agent can get for me.. Damn . its so tempting.. without further doubt, i order 2 units from it ... Super over budget .. planned for RM350.. end up spending RM900 ++ .. lolz.. Cant wait till these 2 babes comes and install to my prince..
DEH-6850MP ... Well my Pioneer head unit ... nice huh ? :P ... bought this at RM900 1 1/2 year ago d.. that time the retail price was over RM1,300..

XS-HT170SN - Speaker sets for my prince... Retail at RM688, got it for RM328 ... sound was just right all the time...
XS-HT130SN - Speaker sets for my prince (rear) .. Retail at RM638, got it for RM450... :( my secret agent ran out of stock for this unit .. so i have to get it else where..
Gonna look for new RCA cables and wiring for my prince when the 2 new amp comes along... :) .. it will be a Christmas Gift for my prince.. hehehe :)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
My 10 years old Air con...
After dropping them to shop at time square, i immediately bring my prince to have a fix on its aircon. As usual .. i cannot let anything happen to my prince..hehe.

** Pictures are lousy due to my phone V3xx .. didnt bring my little camera today ..hehe
Saturday, December 1, 2007
My Recaros...
After the fabric renewing process ...... and of coz bigger RECARO wording ... and my favorite color... WHITE!!! .. lolz..
Saturday, October 6, 2007
My new Toy.. PS3 ...
Jersey Update ..
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Jersey Collection
This is the latest gift from my brother. .. Jersey 1, 6 , 7 , 8 , 10 (bought by my brother for me).. 2 , 3 , 4, 5 , 9 (i bought it )
Friday, September 7, 2007
My Putra new windscreen!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Brotherly Love
Since im young, my brother has give me all his love. Mum says when im born, brother came to hospital to see me. thou he is juz 3 years old, he already knows how to love me. Mum says brother came and touch my toes! hehe..
Whenever my brother wanna do anything, he never forget about me. I remember when im 3 and he is 6. He had chicken pox.. which also infected me of coz.. On the same year, my parents decided to organise a birthday party for my brother, He even let me blow his birthday cake candle together with him.

Then when im 14 and he is 17, Daddy decided to teach brother how to drive... I also wanted to learn, and we learn our driving leason together thou im juz 14 :P. He knows i like to drive very much, sometimes when he fetch me during tuition class, he would allow me to drive home thou i dun have my license yet.
We were so alike each other that during our secondary school time, his fren sometimes tot im him. Even my parents hardly differenciate us when we were on the phone.. hehe.
At college time, my parents wont allow me to work parttime. Yet, due to my expensive hobby (electronic goods and computer stuff) .. i insist working parttime, where by my brother helped me to hide it from my parents which eventually they found out too. (Thou he gets all the good computer specs to play with) .
My previous sportbike was also part of my brother contribution. So as my beloved Putra. Thou i pay for it myself, without him, i dun think i can have this car. That time when i wanted this car badly, which i know my parents wont allow coz my brother own a 2 door proton satria and i am still in college. He help me to beg my parents to allow me to buy that car, in return, i need to pay the car myself and get good results. Thank god i did it.
Thou my brother like to tease me when im young, i know he loves me very much. He is now working aboard that i hardly meet him, but then he remembers me all the while, keeping me in his prayers. He is my hero.
Love always,
Sunday, August 19, 2007
7D/6N holiday at Kuala Lumpur
I first decided to come Jakarta is because my brother has been working in Dubai for about a year d .. And i have been left in KL alone, yet my previous project was on support mode that i cant learn anything new. Since im young, i like to take up challanges... thats why i opt for Engineering Degree rather than IT degree though im more interested in IT .. hahaa.. but then im working on IT field now.
The first time i came Jakarta was on Maybank project, which gave me a very bad impression about working in jakarta because im alone here. Had my breakfast alone.... Lunch alone... Dinner alone... go work alone... go out alone... LoLz.. But my new project aint that bad. I've a bunch of frenly housemates whom are almost my age, and we can hang out together... Thou they are not as Crazy as my colleagues in KL. :-) .. they are all very good fren to me.
Everytime when im back to KL, i will spend most my time hangging out with my frens. Last trip i even hang out till my leg pain.. almost cant walk! lolz....
Luna bar in Malaysia!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Karaoke in Jakarta??
Dunno why Shervene the Ah ma always use her left hand to cover her face :-P
Notice the monitor besides the TV, thats for song selection... lolz... Karaoke in my hometown, utilize a small code panel to input what songs we want... in red box, Neway, we use remote control and select the songs... guess wat.. we use Keyboard n Mouse here!! lolz
Monday, July 16, 2007
Tumpang Nasi Kuning!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Life in Jakarta

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

If they really release Starcraft 2 ... will it be as fun as the 1st Gen ?.. everyone is expecting something very good from Blizzard...
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Men Are Just Happier People ...
1. Your last name stays put.
2. The garage is all yours.
3. Wedding plans take care of themselves.
4. Chocolate is just another snack.
5. You can be President.
6. You can never get pregnant.
7. You can wear a white T-shirt to a water park. Heck, you can wear NO shirt to a water park.
8. Car mechanics tell you the truth.
9. The world is your urinal.
10. You never have to drive to another gas station restroom because this one is just too icky.
11. You don't have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.
12. Same work, more pay.
13. Wrinkles add character.
14. Wedding dress: $5000.00. Tux rental: $100.00.
15. People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.
16. The occasional well-rendered belch is not only appreciated by your friends, but practically expected.
17. New shoes don't cut, blister, or mangle your feet.
18. One mood all the time.
19. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.
20. You know stuff about tanks.
21. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.
22. You can open all your own jars.
23. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.
24. If someone forgets to invite you, he or she can still be your friend.
25. Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack.
26. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.
27. You almost never have strap problems in public.
28. You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.
29. Everything on your face stays its original color.
30. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.
31. You only have to shave your face and neck.
32. You can play with toys all your life.
33. Your belly usually hides your big hips.
34. One wallet and one pair of shoes one color for all seasons.
35. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
36. You can "do" your nails with a pocket knife.
37. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a mustache.
38. You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Manchester United Treble dream faded..
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
OverClocking Madness..
My first PC .. was the famous well known Pentium with MMX technology from Intel. I still remember after only a week my dad bought me the PC, i dissasemble it for the first time where my dad saw me doing it and scolded me. But it is now totally a different storym whenever my dad or mum's close frens having problem with their PCs... they will ask me go help take a look. I use to love helping ppl out with their PC, that juz because i love computer so much no matter wat model isit. Since everyone is looking for me regarding the PC problem, time goes by .. i started to get bored with it coz there is too many frens without PC knowledge.. sometimes .. when they ask me.. do u know this or that.. i will juz says .. sorry i dunno .. haha.. sorry dudes.. i really hate helping ppl solving their PC errors d.. like my mum says .. i always help ppl out without asking them to pay me or so.. else i wont get bored with it.. lolz..
Well, lets get back to the main topic.. Ever since i got my first PC .. it was an Intel Pentium MMX rated at 200 MHz. back then i still remember i only had 2x 8MB ram and a 2.1GB Quantum Bigfoot harddisk, yet it doesnt stop me from overclocking it. It takes me 1 week and i started to dissasemble it and not long then i started to overclock it. Pushing it from 200 MHz to 233 MHz . 233 MHz was the highest end processor available that time.. i even manage to get it boot at 264 MHz but it was not stable due to the chipset limitation that other component such as the PCI slots and Rams will be overclocked together.
My 2nd PC was bought when i got into college.. and indeed again i didnt stop overclocking.. from 700 MHz pentium 3 .. to 933 MHz pentium 3..
My 3rd PC was a Pentium 4 2.4C HT .. i bought this PC myself from the money i earn from my part time job. This was the best overclocking machine that i've got.. i was able to boot up to 3.3 GHz rock stable and 3.5 GHz .. not that stable due to the server chipset i guess.. should have buy a cheaper board to gain 3.6 GHz .. where by many ppl did with my current Processor.
Last night, after messing up with my P4, i thot i juz fried my GPU .. an ATI 9800 SE (256 bit) softmoded to 9800 Pro buckle up with a zalman 80D dual heat pipe heatsink fan. It just wont boot.. and after some clean up ... it was back booting healthily.. I dun remember why the heck did i bought this GPU .. mainly due to the reason Overclocking i guess.. because i was able to softmod it to 8 pipelines rather than 4. I still remember i once seek for a special tool to try HARDMOD it .. but no luck .. even pasar road .. our famous electronic street .. also cant find the tool. I must admit i seldom play games.. but then this GPU serves my brother well.. at least he is a heavy WC3 gamer .. thou WC3 requirement aint high..